Saturday, January 16, 2010

Vasudeva Kudumbakam

“The country whose young men are imbued with the glory of the past, the pain of the present and dreams of the future, always moves on the path of progress” - Ŕiśhi Aravinda

India is 62 years old. But Bhārat is 121 Million years old and Ajanābhavarshā (land of the navel of god) is 1.972 Billion years old.

When we look back at our own history, we can see so many events that we have been blinded from by selfish, biased historians and textbooks. Till the beginning of the 18th century, there was no one who doubted the history of Bhārat. From the last two hundred years, the British enforced a pseudo model of the history of Bhārat which credits Bhārathiyas as barbaric, foreign invaders and uncultured people. This model of the history of Bhārat was initiated by Max Muller and supported by William Jones, Thomas Young, Mortimer Wheeler, A.L. Basham, Joseph de Goubinau, Dwight Witney and others. They claim that Aryans came from outside (Eastern Russia) and invaded the northern parts of Bhārat around 1500 BC. They also claim that the Aryans displaced the uncivilized Dravidians and wrote the Vēdas. Referring to a number of resources, several scholars have begun to question this. Let me explain why in this article.

Let us enter the time machine and make a voyage through our opulent history!

The year is 120 million BC. No, we are not in a lush rainforest. We are in the capital of the Solar Dynasty (Ravi Kulam)- the majestic city of Ayodhya. The city was built in an orderly fashion. The streets were lined with gold and in the center of the city was the imperial palace which housed king Iksvaku, son of Vaivaswan and grandson of the Sun god. Many generations later, Rama was born in the same city. (Bhadrajalam Ramadasar called Shri Rama as “Iksvaku Kula Thilaka” in his famous yadukula kāmbhōji krithi.) So, were we barbarians?

As per our scriptures, the first civilizations started in Bhārat. Later it spread to the rest of the world. Around 95 million BC, there was a great king called Bali who ruled over the whole world. King Bali was a philanthropist and gave a lot to poor people. Soon people became scared that once he was dead, fighting would break out between his sons. They prayed to Lord Vishnu for help. Lord Vishnu incarnated on the earth as a small boy named Vamana. Vamana came to King Bali's court and asked him for the three steps of land (that is Asia, Europe and Africa). King Bali gave it to Vamana without any hesitation. Once Vamana had the three steps of land, he sent King Bali to the nether world (South America) – almost an antipode of India. King Bali established civilizations in Purva (Sanskrit word for East or present day Peru). Maya, the great architect of Bali, established the Mayan civilization. So, did the Mayans come from across the globe?

At a much recent time (6000BC), there was a king called Yayati. He was cursed by a sage to lose his youth and become old. He asked his first son, Druhyu for his youth. Druhyu refused and was sent away. Druhyu and his men migrated west to Saudi Arabia and Persia. Then Yayati went to his second son Anu for his youth. Anu refused and migrated with his men to Greece and Egypt (Anu was also known as Yavana. "Yona or Yavana" is a Pali word used in ancient India to designate Greek speakers and Greeks still call themselves Ionians evolved from Yavanas!). Yayati asked his third son Turkvasa for his youth. He refused and settled in Turkey which was named after him. Turkvasālai became Turkey. Finally, Yayati came to his fourth and final son, Puru, who gave Yayati his youth. Contrary to popular belief, did the Greeks come from Asia?

There was once a king called Janamejaya who ruled over Hastinapura around 3000 BC. His father had been killed by the Nāga (serpent) king. So, he started a great sacrifice killing nāgas. Sage Astȋka was the one who stopped this pogrom. The nāgas called themselves the astikas and migrated to the nether world to become the Aztecs and to China to start the Hwang-Ho civilization. So Mexicans are really Indians? No wonder even their eating habits are close? Like Tortilla is a version of Chapathis?

Ancient Indian scriptures talk of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswathi. But we see Ganga and Yamuna only. What happened to Saraswathi? Recent scientific and archaeological evidence shows us that there was once a civilization on the Saraswati River. Neither is it a mythical river nor is it an underground river. It doesn’t exist today but used to exist before the Indian Subcontinent collided with Asia. It used to flow into the ancient Tethys Sea. Now it has disappeared with the continental movements.

Our ancient texts repeatedly mention four oceans when there are only three today.
“He, who fixed firm the moving earth; who tranquilized the incensed mountains; who spread the spacious firmament; who consolidated the heaven; he, men, is Indra.” Rig Veda- This tells us that we observed the formation of the Himalayas. So, is it possible that the Bharat Civilization is older than even the Continental drifts from Pangea?

Wow! From the above evidences, is it possible that Bhārat, is the source of human civilization and we are all part of one big family?

• Murthy, Krishna. Bharata Jivana Tarangini. Mangalore, India: Diganta Mudranalaya.
• Rigvēdādi- ChaturVēdabāshya- Maharishi Dayānandha Saraswati
• Chronology of ancient India- Seethanāth Pradhān

“You have right to perform your prescribed duty, but do not perform duty with expectation of your favorable result (Never consider yourself as the cause of the result of your activities). And never be attached to not doing your duty.”
-Lord Sri Krishna

The above article was published in the "Sri Ayyappa Vision 2010" magazine, a publication of the Sri Ayyappa Society of Tampa (SASTA), Inc.

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