Sunday, June 22, 2008

My First full Concert

Once the vacation began, it was all hard work. I started practicing for my first complete concert. I practiced everyday for 2 hours in the morning and evening to perfect the songs I was going to sing. At first, my concert was just an hour. After a few weeks, it was extended by half an hour. So I added another song to my song list.

Two or three days before the concert, I practiced with the mridhangist and learnt how to end the thani avarthanam. Sadly, I couldn’t practice with the violinist. On the 25th of May, 2008, the concert day, I had many butterflies in my stomach.

The concert was at the Bhavani Shankara temple in Vasanthapura, Bangalore, India. My concert started around 10 a.m. I started with the varnam, Jalajaksha in Hamsadvani with a small virutham. Next, I sang the famous kriti, Mahaganapatim in Naattai. There was a little alabanai and some kalpana swaras. Next was RamaRama in Vasantha as I was singing in Vasanthapura. Then it was Brocheva revare in Sri Ranjani. This also had alabanai and kalpana swaras. Following was Sujanajeevana in Kamas. It had alabanai, neraval and kalpana swaras. The main piece was Eeshapahimam in kalyani. It is one of Thyagaraja’s Lalgudi Pancharathna kritis on Lord Shiva. It had alabanai and kalpana swaras. It also had a thani avarthanam. I managed to end the thani avarthanam at the right point. Everyone clapped loudly.

Then we had the tukdas. I sang Raminchuva Revarura in Suposhini. There was Govardana Girisham in Hindolam. I sang Enagoo Aane Ranga in Kedaram. Then it was Sarasanetra in Shankarabarnam. To end the concert I sang Bhagyadhalakshmibarama in Madyamavati. The concert ended at 11:30 a.m. everyone clapped loudly.

I think the concert was a success. This was the first time I had sung for one and a half hours. I hope that I will soon perform 3 hour concerts and many more with my Gurus’ Blessings.

Pic: A Section of the audience

My gratitude to Vidwan Shri Chakrapani sir from Thirupathi who played the violin and Vidwan Avinash Krishna who played the Mridhangam.
I sincerely thank my Gurus – Shri R.N Thyagarajan Sir, Shri K.N.Sashkiran Uncle and Shri Ganesh Uncle for all their teachings, guidance and blessings.

Shri Gurubyo Namaha!

Some sample renderings:
1. Naatai

2. ShriRanjani