Sunday, September 4, 2016

Introducing ConserWater!

Do you know what fraction of fresh water worldwide is used for farming? 2/3!

What about in the US? Just 1/3.

This is primarily because new irrigation technology is not affordable to the typical small-scale farmer. 

To bridge the gap between technology and farmers, I have invented a new Artificially Intelligent (AI) application, ConserWater.

ConserWater enables every farmer to get accurate predictions of exactly how much water he needs to give his crops on any given day at any location. ConserWater can potentially increase the water efficiency of any farm up to 30%. The technology is currently patent pending. I have just released it as a free open beta release on the Play Store, dedicated to the farmers of world.

This supports more than 90 crops and several countries across three continents and supports several languages!

For more information and to download the app, please visit

Please check it out and tell me what you think! Please share this message and the link to spread the word! 

Saving Water, One Drop at a time!!!

Monday, February 15, 2016

December Season - 2015

Kalakendra TV streamed one of my concerts during the 2015 Chennai December Music Season. Venue: Global Music fest of Carnatica, Shri Parthasarathy Swamy Sabha and Cleveland Aradhana - Dec 21st 2015.